It’s not about the distance or the time. It’s about doing something for YOU and accomplishing goals that make you realize how strong you really are.



this is for you if…

-You dream of actually enjoying running, working out, and eating healthy. You’re sick of seeing everyone else “get it” and want to feel that way too

- You are frustrated when a program or challenge works for a week or two, but then you lose interest or “fail”. The cookie cutter program designed for “everyone” just doesn’t work at all for you *hint, hint it’s not designed to!

- You want to know what the heck a runners high is and why people are so hooked on it!

mindful miles change makers program

Welcome to Mindful Miles!

Everyday we acknowledge that each small decision can lead to big changes. We want more for ourselves and are making the changes each day to be the best version of ourselves we can be.

Who are we? An inspiring community of teachers, parents, athletes, and 9-5 employees that are sick of feeling alone and uninspired. You’re ready to take action but you want to make sure you do it right and don’t know where to start.

If this sounds like you, then the Change Makers program is calling your name!

Get in touch below to schedule a 15 minute exploration call to learn more about the program.

If you have questions please use the form below to get in touch.