5 Things We Can Learn from professional athletes

Watching the USATF Olympic Trials and has been giving me the hopeful, energetic feelings that the new year typically brings.

Witnessing the culmination of years of hard work play out in a single event is both nerve-racking and inspiring.

Like many people I thought, what if this was me? Then I thought, why can’t this be me??

No— I’m not saying I’m making a bid for the Olympics. But what’s stopping me (or you) from showing up every day in my own life like an Olympian does in theirs? Here are some of my takeaways.


There's a lot that these athletes do that you and I humanly are incapable of doing.

But there's also a lot that they DO do that you and I can learn from.

You don't have to be a pro to pursue the happiest, healthiest version of yourself. But you also can't wake up and expect that person to appear.

Day by day. Brick by brick.

We're responsible for laying the work. Maybe we don't have the Olympics to prepare for... but we have this one life. & that's pretty monumental too.

So let me ask you… What changes will you make this week that yourself 6 months from today will benefit from?

#teammindfulmiles #thisisaboutrunning #thisisntaboutrunning

  1. What excites you but also scares you a little? Set a goal with reasonable benchmarks and checkins.

  2. You’re naturally going to start with TONS of motivation and excitement. It doesn’t last forever, sometimes life gets in the way. When motivation is low what will you do to help keep yourself on track?

  3. Once you have that goal share it with the people that will cheer you on! Writing something down and saying it out loud increases your chances of success.

4. Who are you NOT to show up for yourself and achieve those goals? Sure, it’s gonna be hard. You can do hard things though. You’re worth it.

5. Are you interested or do you have a goal? Interest comes and goes but goals require effort. Not sure if your goal is worth it? Think about giving up on it. Does that thought bring you sadness or relief? There’s your answer.

If you need some help making your goals a reality, coaching might be for you! Learn more below.


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