How do I become a runner?

Running has turned out to be one of the most significant and rewarding experiences of my life. ⁣

I'll be real with you though, I HATED it when I was just getting started.. and every time I came back to it and was severely out of shape. Who enjoys getting their ass kicked?? Not me. ⁣It’s completely natural to want to quit. But we are resilient and capable of doing hard things. That’s why I love running so much— the struggle also comes with an incredible feeling of self accomplishment.

So why is it so hard to get started if I know it’s going to make me feel so good?

For starters, if you're struggling to run you’re probably out of shape and I mean no disrespect by that. It's not an issue, most of us are or have been. Duh— we’re not all born and bred Olympians. ⁣

There’s a lot going on when you head out on those first couple of runs that can be REALLY overwhelming. Your muscles are soft, your joints are stiff. Your heart and lungs aren't used to working hard. So as a result you're going to feel slow and awkward and then you'll ache after. ⁣

You'll think of every reason why:⁣

1️⃣ You shouldn't be running, ⁣

2️⃣ You aren't "good enough" to run, or⁣

3️⃣ Why running "isn't for you" ⁣

Sound familiar yet? Which number are you? Share this with someone who's in the same boat and keep reading!⁣

I've been there. We all have! No one starts running and immediately loves it and feels totally natural. Even if you're severely out of shape it only means it'll take a bit longer for you to get back in shape. ⁣It does not mean you are not capable or worthy of being a runner.

Trust me on this one. The goal is worth the struggle -- I promise. But it takes TIME.⁣

Within a few weeks of starting you'll be surprising yourself as you start to feel stronger. ⁣

⚡️You'll have more energy⁣

💦You'll start to feel refreshed after runs⁣

😴 You'll sleep better, lose weight if you need to, and feel better than you have in years. ⁣

You wont get any of this on the first day though. You will likely struggle for a while-- just being real here. But there's no hurry. Running isn't something you do in the spring to look good in a bathing suit. It works best when it's woven into the fabric of your life. ⁣

So start slowly-- you'll improve just as quickly and enjoy it more if you take it easy rather than trying to go out hard on every single run. If you haven't ran in a while and are starting to again, give yourself some grace. There's no rush, no races, no timeline. Welcome to #teammindfulmiles


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