Hydrating during long runs

Hydrating before your runs is important, but one thing a lot of people forget out is hydrating during your runs. Simply put, as soon as you begin to run, you begin to dehydrate. As runners it’s very easy to toe the line of dehydration because we sweat so much during runs.

For runs over an hour long I like to start sipping at mile 3 and continue to take a sip every mile after. Plain water is fine for anything under an hour but if you’re going to be running for more than an hour or if it’s above 75 degrees you should consider a diluted sports drink mixture. I like using Nuun’s but anything containing sugar or maltodextrin (a slow-release carbohydrate) and sodium will help to keep you hydrated, avoid cramping and speed your recovery.

Aside from Nuun’s, other supplements I swear by on my long runs are salt capsules and a caffeine gel, gummy, or chew. For details on some of my favorite mid-run boosts check out my article on long run and race day supplements.

Photo taken from my Instagram highlights when I was training for my first marathon

Photo taken from my Instagram highlights when I was training for my first marathon


Why I Started Mindful Miles