Why I Started Mindful Miles

The What and the Why:

I've run competitively almost my entire life. I was one of the best high school runners in my home state (New Mexico) and went on to run Division 2 Cross Country in New York. All that being said, I truly believe my best miles and times are ahead of me.

I graduated from college in 2015 where I ran well but nowhere near my potential. It wasn't because of coaching-- it was because of my mindset. I was so worried about all of the factors that go into running ALL of the time. I couldn't let go of the expectations I had for myself. By trying to be perfect I took away my joy and added more pressure than necessary. After college I took a year or so off from running completely and was sick more than I've been in my life. 

When I eventually found my way back to running, my immune system got stronger and I was reintroduced to the playful joy that running brings. I truly believe that when you surrender the expectations of the body you want to have, the times you want to run, the distance you want to go... When you give that all up, take away the pressure, take away the expectations, and allow yourself to just BE; that's where you'll meet your best self:

the version of you that achieves things you never imagined or thought possible. 

I hope to be running the Chicago Marathon this Fall, but with races not happening I wanted to find a way to keep myself running and motivated. I decided to train for a 5K and on Day One of my run thought to myself:

how cool would that be if there were a larger group of us all training for this 5K together?

A virtual running team where we could all motivate and cheer each other on. And there’s where Mindful Miles came to be, a community of people from various walks of life, looking to be better everyday in every way. I plan to share motivation, gear recommendations, tips and hacks. But more than anything, my hope is that you find something on this website that resonates with you and gives you the courage to keep going.

The Who... (spoiler: it's all about YOU!)

When you begin your running journey, set a new goal, or join one of my running teams, my ask to you is to honor your goals and the reason you started the journey but also to embrace the Mindful Miles attitude. Throw the pressure and expectations out the window, don't stare at your watch while you're running, and see what your body can do! Some days may really suck, and you might curse my name (I forgive you), but do not give up on yourself or your goals. 

That’s Why I Started Mindful Miles, and whether it’s at a race, on a running trail, or online:

I look forward to cheering you on along your journey.



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